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Planning Board Minutes 08/04/2016
   Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Members Present:
Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara DVM., Jeff Jordan, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Craig McIntosh, Matt Cole, Michael Williams and Kristy Barnouski, Secretary.

Others present: David Jordan, Vicki O’Brien, Michelle Plunkett and other members of the public.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Let the record be shown that Mr. Williams is seated as a voting member for this meeting.

Subdivision,Public Hearing-
Mrs. Vicki O’Brien put in an application for a subdivision on Map 3 lot 43 located at 313 Dover Rd.  The plan was submitted by MHF Design Consultants, Inc. and David Jordan.  

Mrs. Barnouski stated that Mr. Brehm, who was not able to make the meeting tonight, had stopped by to review the plan with her last week and only had a few concerns about the plan.  Mr. Brehm asked that signature boxes be added to both sheets as well as wetland scientist stamps.  Both of these had been added before the meeting.

Mr. Brehm also asked about any environmental studies that have been done on the property.  

A copy of the most recent environmental studies were provided by Mrs. O’Brien from 2007 which Mr. William’s took the time to read.  Mr. Williams stated that the study only provides information for the piece of property that is now Tractor Supply, which no cause for concern was found.  

Mr. Moore proceeded to run through the subdivision checklist.  

#13 on the checklist-Mr. Moore stated that the septic needed to be shown on the plan.

#28 on the checklist-The Board would like the plan to show the septic design for tractor supply.  

Mr. Williams was worried about making the subdivision with another party accessible to the easement, which would require the easement be up to Sate D.O.T. standards.

The Board stated that if someone was to develop the property on the other piece of the subdivision then they would need to see that the existing easement has been built to State D.O.T. code.

Mr. Jordan made a motion to accept the plan as complete with the exceptions they listed to be added. Ms. Davis seconded the motion.  Motion passes.

Mr. Moore makes a motion to approve the subdivision with the required changes. Ms. Davis seconds the motion. Motion passes.

Mrs. Plunkett came to the Planning Board meeting to address a concern about her neighbor at 66 Bear Hill Road who she said was actively tearing down their house without a permit.  Mrs. Plunkett feared that there may be lead or asbestos in the home that was not being disposed of properly.   Mrs. Plunkett acknowledges that this is not a Planning Board issue but needed to bring it to the Towns attention.
Mr. Cole, a member of the Planning Board and also the Building Inspector stated that he would contact Chief Clarke, the Health Officer and would stop by the property tonight.  

Next Meeting-
Due to the holiday weekend the Board moved the next meeting from September 1, 2016 to September 8, 2016.

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 7:08pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski
Not approved until signed.

Chairman Kevin Mara